Does netflix require silverlight on mac
Does netflix require silverlight on mac

Netflix was able to make the switch on Mac, it says, because Apple implemented the three HTML5 Premium Video Extensions in Safari on OS X Yosemite, like Microsoft did last year for IE11. Last year, Netflix switched from Silverlight to HTML5 video in Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 8.1. The rest of us will have to wait until the Yosemite public beta launches this summer. OS X Yosemite is already available to Mac Developer Program members, who can boot up Safari and watch HTML5 videos on Netflix starting today. Netflix says a MacBook Air streaming 1080p Netflix content using HTML5 will last two hours longer than it would with Silverlight. On laptops, that means longer battery life.

does netflix require silverlight on mac

By switching over to HTML5, Netflix majorly reduces the CPU load required to stream video.

Does netflix require silverlight on mac